BSc. Clinical Hypnosis: St Mary’s Twickenham, UK
MSc. Psychiatry: Cardiff University School of Medicine
Current Studies : MA Counseling and Psychotherapy: Metavision, Australia
My first experience with hypnotherapy in early 2005 was a traumatic awakening. I went to see a hypnotherapist who at the time was a leader in his field at supporting athletes to perform better along with busy professionals to feel more relaxed in their everyday life. And he was great at this.
Unfortunately I came with a massive amount of unprocessed childhood and adolescent trauma and a long history of abuse, most of which I didn’t even have language for. Thankfully I do now.
But back then as soon as I stepped into the space of my unconscious all that trauma exploded out like a soda can that was shaken well before opening it. And the hypnotherapist through no fault of his own had been given no training to support someone like me with this level of trauma that was unconscious, unnamed and overwhelming when it erupted out of me on his therapy chair.
He swiftly and sheepishly brought me back from the trance and sent me on my way in tears. Minutes later I ended up having a massive panic attack in the middle of Piccadilly Circus in London, a few meters from his office. He was unreachable on the phone and no one else was available to come fetch me at that time of the evening. So I sat alone on the pavement and sobbed, unable to breathe, feeling like I wanted to die in the middle of that crowded square in Central London.
I made it home eventually and decided after that, that I never wanted anyone else to ever have to go through what I went through that night. And I embarked on a journey to learn as much as I could about how to support people who, like myself, had a lot of self exploration and inner healing to do.
I set out to develop myself and become the best hypnotherapist, psychotherapist and healer that I could be.
And that journey continues.
But now 20 years later, I can say I have come close to reaching that goal.
The Journey
My own spiritual path began as an adolescent through astrology, yoga, tarot and then later, Jungian archetypes. I undertook various trainings to understand the nature of the unconscious mind and altered states of consciousness.
I trained in numerous healing modalities such as Family and Systemic Constellations, Soul Genesis Akashic Healing, Kundalini Yoga, Theta Healing and became a Reiki Master.
I was drawn to work as an ‘Ayahuascera’, trained in the Peruvian Shipibo Kanibo tradition, with members of the Mahua and Arévalo families for 15 years, whereby the use of altered states and herbalism, coupled with intuitive sound frequency activation is utilised for healing.
Over that time I facilitated and led healing retreats in Europe, throughout North, Central and South America and in Africa.
I am an Advanced Transference Healer and Trainer and I have completed Transference Healing® Mystery Schools 1-5.
I also pursued higher education in clinical hypnosis, psychiatry and psychology, with a research background focusing on microdosing psychedelics for psychiatric practice. I have brought all the threads of my trainings and experience together to fomulate the ideal prychotherapeutic approach for my clients.
I now work to support my clients with their psychological and spiritual growth through 1:1 mentoring and energetic healing work.